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Respect, Piotr!

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Our unstoppable boss, Professor Piotr Garstecki, not only qualified for the Finals of EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award, but he also received a well-deserved Special Prize for International Expansion as „an entrepreneur who successfully linked the world of science with the world of business”. Piotr says that the EY Gala was a blast 😊


Francesco nailed it!

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On Friday 9.02.2024 despite the snow outside we could feel almost like in the sunny Italy pastedGraphic.png. The Italian family and friends joined IChF community to take part in Francesco Nalin’s PhD defence.  Francesco defended with flying colours his PhD dissertation entitled: „Novel Microfluidic Strategies for Droplet Generation and Flow Control with Applications in Biotechnology”. Francesco, complimenti, Ce l’hai fatta!

MiCoF at µTAS 2023

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This year’s microTAS conference was held in October in Katowice. That was the event we couldn’t miss. It was a busy time filled with presenting the research results, strengthening relations with our scientific partners and making new friends.


Shakeel Ahmad at EMBO 2023

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MiCoF PhD student, Shakeel Ahmad, attended prestigious EMBO Microbial Metagenomics 2023 practical course at EMBL, Heidelberg from April 17, 2023 to April 23, 2023. He had an opportunity to interact with experts in the field and got hands on experience of studying metagenome of microbes. Valuable inputs were received on his poster titled “Exploring the role of sub-MIC antibiotic exposure on bacterial hetero-resistance at single cell level”

Piotr Garstecki scored a hat-trick

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Three significant accomplishments in a row of MiCoF’s head, professor Piotr Garstecki: He appeared on the Forbes magazine cover, he received CEBioForum “Most influencing person” award as well as Polityka Zdrowotna “Innovator” award. And all this in only one month. Piotr, you are unstoppable!

MiCoF representative at Photonics West 2023

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MiCoF PhD student, Shreyas Vasantham,  took part in Photonics West Exhibition (SPIE) which was hold in San Francisco, between 31 January and 2 February 2023. He had a pleasure to deliver an oral talk: Speckle imaging offers sensitive detection of bacterial growth in microdroplet antibiotic susceptibility testing assays.

We are hiring!

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First prize in Best Work Competition in 2021

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The article “High throughput monitoring of bacterial cell density in nanoliter droplets: label-free detection of unmodified Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria” authored by the members of our Team won IPC PAS Best Work Competition in the reporting year 2021. Congratulations to the Authors. We are super proud of you!